As we continue to celebrate Eng. Stephanie Hall´s accomplishments (refer to previous post if necessary), our team´s excitement evolve as she has been elected Director on the 2021-2022 Board of the Chemical Engineers Institute (IIQ, in Spanish) at the Professional College of Engineers and Land Surveyors (CIAPR, in Spanish). As has been experienced by current and past professionals that have been part of our firms´ teams, these recognitions are merely the beginning of challenging but important portion of our professional development and contribution to our island, profession, and professional discipline. The administration at CHESIEMES is excited and has made itself available to support Eng. Hall in this endeavor.
Similarly, we announce the continuation of Eng. Carmen M. Figueroa Santiago´s involvement as Director and Treasurer of the 2021-2022 Board of the Chemical Engineers Institute (IIQ) and the Humacao Chapter of CIAPR. She has worked tirelessly and led, as President, both components for years now and our team continues to honor and praise her commitment. Eng. Figueroa is finalizing her year as President of the Risk, Emergency, and Disaster Management Commission (CMRED) of CIAPR as well and looks forward to continue working on those important topics along with co-worker Eng. Hanna Rodríguez Morales. Further, Eng. H. Rodríguez was re-elected as President of the 2021-2022 Board of the Environmental Engineers Institute (IIAM, in Spanish) of CIAPR. IIAM´s Board of Directors accomplished important milestones, summarized on an online report accessed via the following link. Now, as we approach the final portion of the Summer months, we are excited to announce the accomplishments of our student interns, including the upcoming graduation event of Ms. Monserrat González Garro, who has been with our team for almost two (2) years. Her completion of her Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico will put her one step closer to shaping her professional standing in the field. There are several months left before Ms. Estefanía Álvarez Pérez´s graduation but do acknowledge her development within our technical team. She has adjusted from a student intern focused solely focused on improving our Accredited Asbestos School course modules and content to a regular Environmental Engineering Student intern, joining Ms. González, in assisting our team of engineers in diverse tasks. These accomplishments were met with an exciting DesignThinking-IDEAEngineering Workshop created for our team by SeriouslyCreative. It was a challenging and perspective-changing day for each member of our team. Just in time to welcome several important projects coming up in this second half of 2021. We appreciate the team at SeriouslyCreative for their input and tips; we are excited to put into practice those helpful tools! |
AuthorsFernando L. Rodríguez, PE, SC Archives
November 2024
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